Wednesday 18 May 2011

After the madrigal group, nothing ever felt the same

I can't tell you how thrilled I am to hear about this reunion, and by hook or by crook, I will be there. I've had mails/messages from David Read, Debs Shilling and Sue Turner all telling me that you were trying to contact me, so I'm so very glad you have. It was wonderful to see you signing yourself The Drain. What memories that evoked.

I've been through the blog, and caught up with everyone's news. Almost howled with laughter and tears over the photos. I am also delighted Sarah Wyatt is in touch. I've been trying to find her for years, and wish I'd had the Internet for more than my last few years in South Africa as I might have been able to see her there too. Too late now, unfortunately. It's wonderful too to know Brian Manners is still around. I do so hope he will be able to come, and Ernest Wellings too? I always thought of him as fairly senior when we were at school, but I suppose we are all older now than he was then! I'd love to contribute to the blog, so feel free to put as much or as little of this mail on it as you like.

So what have I been up to? Not much singing, I'm afraid. After the madrigal group, nothing ever felt the same. I played the guitar and sang folk songs for some years, but nothing like our beautiful madrigals. The Silver Swan still rates as my favourite. Anyhow, to cut a long story short, I left the UK in 1981 and went to South Africa with my then husband and two very small children (aged 2 and 3 months respectively). Spent 20 years there and loved it. The first five years were in Natal and the rest in and around Jo'burg. I bluffed my way into various jobs (having only a suitably useless arts degree) and ended up as the corporate communications manager of a health insurance company, which I also loved as it allowed me to do what I've always liked doing most - write - and get paid for it. In 2001, I somehow found myself in the Netherlands (long story) and as needs had to (why doesn't 'must' have a past form?), I started to do what so many ex pats do in Europe - teach English. It's great because it's the one job they can't say there is a Dutch person better qualified for, and it's served me well for the last ten years. Most of my work is at the uni here in Rotterdam, but I also write in my spare time (not much of that, I'm afraid) and develop online courses too. My real spare time is taken up by maintaining the very old barge (113 this year, bless her) I have lived on since 2002. My daughters are both here too, and I share my daily life with a Dutch partner and a neurotic, but much loved dog (who hates boats). Generally speaking, life is pretty good, although sometimes I miss just being among my own kind. I also miss South Africa very much, but maybe I can go and visit Sarah in Botswana now I have found out where she is again!

I have a website: (although this needs a quick update) and a blog: if you are interested. The dog also has her own blog :)

Debs and Sue contacted me through Facebook, but I'm afraid I'm a rather intermittent visitor there. Dave Read found me through Friends Reunited, which is better because they tell me when someone has left a message for me, but in the end, email is definitely my preferred communication medium.

As for the reunion, do keep us posted on the times, places etc. You said it will be at the school, so that will be easy. Any recommendations for overnight accommodation would be much appreciated, though.

Thanks so very much for the invite, Adrian!

Looking forward to seeing you on October 15th, and keep in touch.

Val Poore

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