…A huge thank you for joining us at the Madrigal Group reunion last fortnight. I was so delighted you could join us and hope you enjoyed the afternoon. Participants are still talking about it and they are all saying that the highlight of the afternoon was quite definitely singing again under your baton….Lots of them have written and I enclose a sheet of some of their comments, which I thought you would be interested to read. [I have omitted surnames on this version though not Brian's - Adrian]
It was very moving seeing Brian and to be conducted by him at 81, and in a fairly frail state. We all did so well with our parts and it was amazing how they have been committed to memory and resurrected after 42 years. Viv
The icing on the cake certainly proved to be the performances of our past repertoire under the skilled and talented direction of Brian Manners….It's amazing that the memory still functions after all this time! Hilary
I think Brian was absolutely thrilled and it was lovely for us to be able to give him something back for everything he did for us. Gilly
It was also marvellous to see the delight on Brian Manners' face as he realised how many of his old group still knew what they were doing. I can't claim to be among them, but loved it anyway. Val
What a success, and the singing, well perhaps, not quite as tight as Yugoslavia, but considering 40 years have passed and our voices have changed, if I say it myself, I thought it sounded pretty good. Even Brian looked amazed. Brian seemed quite overwhelmed yesterday. All these middle aged woman kissing and cuddling him, I hope it wasn't too much. There if he remembers it should give him some joy. Amanda
I greatly enjoyed the reunion and was surprised by how the music came flooding back. The only thing I couldn't remember was the Time thing - perhaps there is a message there somewhere, something to do with not being aware of the passage of time!… Regards…Malcolm
I was amazed that our brain cells had retained so much detail of the Madrigals and other arrangements that we enjoyed singing. How lovely to have the wonderful memories of our Madrigal days reinforced with such a great afternoon - and I think for Brian as well. Best Regards to all, Alastair
What a marvellous day Saturday was. I doubt if any of us will forget that chance to sing once again together and with Brian. Not enough time to talk to anyone for long enough, of course, but no excuse with emails not to keep in touch. xx Julia
I feel I have been in suspended animation ever since, with every thought reliving the day and the singing. It was pure magic to watch the hand that conducted us for so many years, to open our mouths and to sing as if we had never been away. It was a wonderful moment that I will treasure for the rest of my life. I would not have missed it for all the world.....Others have said all the superlative words that we will all echo, but just to let those who weren't there know that we missed you, and also to remember absent friends, especially Mr Wellings and Mrs Manners who, with Mr Manners, so wisely, tolerantly and kindly led us on what, in this day and age, would be an impossible trip. Also Bundle, who we never saw again, but who is not forgotten...... From the moment I walked into assembly in the old school hall in the autumn of 1963 (aged 11) and heard the 'introit' for the day sung by the likes of Ruth Smith and her peers, I could not wait for the day when I would be able to be a part of the Madrigal group. We were the lucky ones who benefitted from the reputation that Mr Manners and former Madrigal Group members created. We just happened to be in the right place at the right time: the right era to be able to travel to Berlin and Yugo, and we carried that reputation with such pride all around Europe. Heather
….a wonderful event. For me I've recaptured something that I thought I had lost years ago and would never find again!! As there are no choirs up this way with any vacancies I'm going to start one up, so anyone in the Southampton/Portsmouth area that's interested - get in touch! WANTED - One Choirmaster/mistress and lots of wobbly singers!!!Lots of love Sue
I enjoyed the afternoon immensely..…I thought that Brian Manners looked marvellous and I know that you made him extremely happy with all your efforts in making the afternoon such a successful occasion.I came back to sunny Botswana yesterday in thirty-six degrees and it was already twenty-nine degrees at 6.00am today!Many thanks once again for all that you have done to reunite so many old friends and stir so many memories.Much love, Sarah
XXXXXXXI've just read the last reflections on the blog, and I think what stands out for all of us is how much we have to thank Brian Manners for. He gave us the music which has stayed with us down the years, and he inspired us to sing these glorious madrigals. If you know of any way in which to pass our love and these messages on to him, please please do so. Watching the video has brought it all back and I felt quite choked. My absolute favourites are the Bluebird and Amaryllis, but even the school song is so very stirring. Watching Mr Manners playing the keyboard there, and knowing now how much it meant to him has made it all the more special. His face when he told us all to 'smile' at the beginning of each song was a treat to see. I remember him doing that ever time we rehearsed. Val
Alas there wasn't enough time to spend with all the lovely people we went to Yugoslavia with, nor enough time to talk to Brian Manners, who doesn't appear to have changed at all, although I know that he has been through hell and high water and it was looking doubtful if he would be able to attend. I hope it wasn't too much of a strain for him and that he really enjoyed the event and we didn't let him down too much with our wobbly voices!!! (and some miming!!) Sue
So now we are two months plus down the line, this message is just to wish everyone a very happy end of year, a good Christmas and a great 2012. It was wonderful to see you all, and I hope we can do it again before too long. Much love, Val xx