I am DELIGHTED to have seen, chatted and sung with so many old friends again and so pleased that I can keep in touch with you all over the E mail. I enjoyed the afternoon immensely..…I thought that Brian Manners looked marvellous and I know that you made him extremely happy with all your efforts in making the afternoon such a successful occasion.
I came back to sunny Botswana yesterday in thirty-six degrees and it was already twenty-nine degrees at 6.00am today!
Many thanks once again for all that you have done to reunite so many old friends and stir so many memories.
Much love, Sarah XXXXXXX
At last! The moment we have all been waiting for!!! Richard has now finished the edit and we have posted the video of our Madrigal Group Reunion on You Tube at the following URL:
If you want to download it to your hard drive you can download a free piece of software called Freecorder which will enable this but it is too large a file to get onto one DVD without some sophisticated jiggery pokery! If anyone would like this made up as a DVD Richard is happy to do this but would be grateful of a donation of £7 (cheque made payable to R Hackett) towards the materials, postage and packing.
….a wonderful event. For me I've recaptured something that I thought I had lost years ago and would never find again!! As there are no choirs up this way with any vacancies I'm going to start one up, so anyone in the Southampton/Portsmouth area that's interested - get in touch! WANTED - One Choirmaster/mistress and lots of wobbly singers!!!
Lots of love Sue
I feel I have been in suspended animation ever since, with every thought reliving the day and the singing. It was pure magic to watch the hand that conducted us for so many years, to open our mouths and to sing as if we had never been away. It was a wonderful moment that I will treasure for the rest of my life. I would not have missed it for all the world.....
Others have said all the superlative words that we will all echo, but just to let those who weren't there know that we missed you, and also to remember absent friends, especially Mr Wellings and Mrs Manners who, with Mr Manners, so wisely, tolerantly and kindly led us on what, in this day and age, would be an impossible trip. Also Bundle, who we never saw again, but who is not forgotten......
Meanwhile, I have typed up the 'official' version of the Diary which Mr Manners handed to me to write, with everyone's help, as we left Lyme Regis for Yugoslavia on that day over 40 years ago. It tells of the journey and the adventures we had - not as colourfully as Julia's, but they are both typed as they were written all those years ago. I apologise for some blandness and of course any spelling errors. They will complement each other and bring back many almost forgotten memories.
If anyone would like a copy, I would be happy to email it through.
From the moment I walked into assembly in the old school hall in the autumn of 1963 (aged 11) and heard the 'introit' for the day sung by the likes of Ruth Smith and her peers, I could not wait for the day when I would be able to be a part of the Madrigal group. We were the lucky ones who benefitted from the reputation that Mr Manners and former Madrigal Group members created. We just happened to be in the right place at the right time: the right era to be able to travel to Berlin and Yugo, and we carried that reputation with such pride all around Europe.
I do hope we all get together again in the not too distant future.
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