Sunday, 30 October 2011

We're a reflective lot...

I am DELIGHTED to have seen, chatted and sung with so many old friends again and so pleased that I can keep in touch with you all over the E mail. I enjoyed the afternoon immensely..…I thought that Brian Manners looked marvellous and I know that you made him extremely happy with all your efforts in making the afternoon such a successful occasion.
I came back to sunny Botswana yesterday in thirty-six degrees and it was already twenty-nine degrees at 6.00am today!
Many thanks once again for all that you have done to reunite so many old friends and stir so many memories.
Much love, Sarah XXXXXXX

At last! The moment we have all been waiting for!!! Richard has now finished the edit and we have posted the video of our Madrigal Group Reunion on You Tube at the following URL:

If you want to download it to your hard drive you can download a free piece of software called Freecorder which will enable this but it is too large a file to get onto one DVD without some sophisticated jiggery pokery! If anyone would like this made up as a DVD Richard is happy to do this but would be grateful of a donation of £7 (cheque made payable to R Hackett) towards the materials, postage and packing.
….a wonderful event. For me I've recaptured something that I thought I had lost years ago and would never find again!! As there are no choirs up this way with any vacancies I'm going to start one up, so anyone in the Southampton/Portsmouth area that's interested - get in touch! WANTED - One Choirmaster/mistress and lots of wobbly singers!!!
Lots of love Sue

I feel I have been in suspended animation ever since, with every thought reliving the day and the singing. It was pure magic to watch the hand that conducted us for so many years, to open our mouths and to sing as if we had never been away. It was a wonderful moment that I will treasure for the rest of my life. I would not have missed it for all the world.....
Others have said all the superlative words that we will all echo, but just to let those who weren't there know that we missed you, and also to remember absent friends, especially Mr Wellings and Mrs Manners who, with Mr Manners, so wisely, tolerantly and kindly led us on what, in this day and age, would be an impossible trip. Also Bundle, who we never saw again, but who is not forgotten......
Meanwhile, I have typed up the 'official' version of the Diary which Mr Manners handed to me to write, with everyone's help, as we left Lyme Regis for Yugoslavia on that day over 40 years ago. It tells of the journey and the adventures we had - not as colourfully as Julia's, but they are both typed as they were written all those years ago. I apologise for some blandness and of course any spelling errors. They will complement each other and bring back many almost forgotten memories.
If anyone would like a copy, I would be happy to email it through.
From the moment I walked into assembly in the old school hall in the autumn of 1963 (aged 11) and heard the 'introit' for the day sung by the likes of Ruth Smith and her peers, I could not wait for the day when I would be able to be a part of the Madrigal group. We were the lucky ones who benefitted from the reputation that Mr Manners and former Madrigal Group members created. We just happened to be in the right place at the right time: the right era to be able to travel to Berlin and Yugo, and we carried that reputation with such pride all around Europe.
I do hope we all get together again in the not too distant future.

Monday, 24 October 2011

More reflections shared...

One week on (and also 40 years+) I have had chance to reflect on what a brilliant gathering we enjoyed last Saturday afternoon. I was amazed that our brain cells had retained so much detail of the Madrigals and other arrangements that we enjoyed singing. How lovely to have the wonderful memories of our Madrigal days reinforced with such a great afternoon - and I think for Brian as well. Best Regards to all, Alastair

What a marvellous day Saturday was. I doubt if any of us will forget that chance to sing once again together and with Brian. Not enough time to talk to anyone for long enough, of course, but no excuse with emails not to keep in touch. xx Julia

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Yet more afterthoughts

What a wonderful weekend it was, I am still glowing. I loved meeting up with you all. Please do keep in touch. Best wishes to you all, flying to new Zealand tomorrow for Martin’s niece’s wedding so will be out of contact for 2 1/2 weeks…Julia (Julia has circulated her famous diary. Contact Adrian if you want a copy)

Julia’s diary is absolutely brilliant!!! Captures the moments brilliantly!!! I have to agree with the comment about the food poisoning - definitely must have been!!!…
How about we have another reunion sometime but somewhere we can all stay (maybe like another Dubrovnik Youth Camp?! but in the UK) so we can have a good sing, a good natter and a good meal etc? Not sure where yet but there must be somewhere we could take over!! …It was a truly wonderful afternoon, lots of emotions and memories evoked and one which I hope has been captured on DVD!! It was so lovely to see everyone again, and to sing again (at least I thought I was singing!!). I'll be in touch soon with details of where to find this etc!…Love to you all

I greatly enjoyed the reunion and was surprised by how the music came flooding back. The only thing I couldn't remember was the Time thing - perhaps there is a message there somewhere, something to do with not being aware of the passage of time!… Regards…Malcolm

Friday, 21 October 2011

Thursday, 20 October 2011


It was a good event and thank you very much for organising it…..Just back from the journey…it took over 4 ½ hours as Junction 25 of the M5 is shut today, with massive tail-backs on all approach roads. Will P

Well my dears thank you so much for yesterday afternoon, what a wonderful day… what a success, and the singing, well perhaps, not quite as tight as Yugoslavia, but considering 40 years have passed and our voices have changed, if I say it myself, I thought it sounded pretty good. Even Brian looked amazed. My own voice is shot! I had Quincy in the spring and subsequently have had a sore throat all summer, so I really wasn't on form. Today I can hardly speak - Michael, my husband is having a peaceful day. Everyone seemed just as I remembered them. Chris Fisher, Will Pedley, Steve Mason, Nick Claire, David Fayle, Belinda, Sue & Sarah I could name them all, just as they were all that time ago. I was disappointed a few more didn't come, Sarah Homyer, Cynthia Dare and sad Linda wasn't there….Brian seemed quite overwhelmed yesterday. All these middle aged woman kissing a cuddling him, I hope it wasn't too much. There if he remembers it should give him some joy. Amanda

I am sorry I did not get to speak to you yesterday and I really wanted to get to thank you for organising the reunion yesterday. Having only been at Woodroffe for 2 years and not in the madrigal group, I hadn't thought of being a member of the Association before and it was pure serendipity that brought me there on Saturday.
I was coming to Lyme to visit my mother and contacted Heather just to see if she was around for a walk and catch- up. She encouraged me to come to the event and it was such an unexpected pleasure to meet so many again after so many years. Then to be so lucky as to win the raffle was a complete and wonderful surprise! …So although I know you didn't actually invite me, it is thanks to your organising the afternoon event that I ended up there and I am very grateful. I hope it was a success from your point of view and that all is well with you. Shelagh Weekes (Née Patterson)

The reunion was everything I hoped it would be and it was glorious to sing again and to be standing next to my old partner in crime, Sue. It was also marvellous to see the delight on Brian Manners' face as he realised how many of his old group still knew what they were doing. I can't claim to be among them, but loved it anyway. I only wish we'd had longer for it all and more time to both sing and socialise….I'd like to suggest that we don't leave it for 10 years, but rather five, or even two! I would do it every year! And next time, maybe we can arrange a meal to follow the singing...then we could really have a chance to catch up properly….Meanwhile, I am back in the Netherlands now, and getting my nose back to the grindstone. Nevertheless, I shall remember this last weekend with very special fondness and really hope we can meet up again before too long...even if it isn't for madrigals.Val

Just a quick note to say how much I enjoyed the Madrigal Reunion on Saturday afternoon. It went so well and everyone there really enjoyed it and was so grateful to be part of it. I could barely sing the School Song for the lump in my throat!…I am dying to see the film footage that was shot - I will put my name down for a copy of the DVD when it becomes available….I think Brian was absolutely thrilled and it was lovely for us to be able to give him something back for everything he did for us. Gilly

Thank you so much for organizing the event which proved to be very enjoyable in catching up with people and reminiscing over the past.The icing on the cake certainly proved to be the performances of our past repertoire under the skilled and talented direction of Brian Manners….It's amazing that the memory still functions after all this time! Hilary G

Just a brief email to say a big thank you for all the hard work that you put in to the reunion and also for your hospitality. It was really most enjoyable. We should sing together more often!!! John L

I hope all went well at the weekend reunion and would have loved to have been part of it – we had a great time in Thailand with my step daughter and youngest grandchild who is now two, returning home late on Sunday night. Mike G

Dear Adrian. Thank you so much for organising the reunion with the Madrigal Group. It was a wonderful get together. …It was very moving seeing Burr and to be conducted by him at 81, and in a fairly frail state. We all did so well with our parts and it was amazing how they have been committed to memory and resurrected after 42 years….Higgy who kept the Altos together is now lazing on a beach in Greece….Juliet very much enjoyed seeing you in the evening and looks forward to a meeting of the select 'One Alpha' club in the future.
She would also like to be in touch with Catherine Marchbank and Robert Pitfield if you know their whereabouts ? Love Viv B

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Another piccie of the beautiful people

Well, it happened

Well done to 31 (out of a possible 52) madrigal attenders at the reunion. Plus our VIP conductor, Brian, of course.
More reports will follow but for now I wanted to post the apologies for absence messages below. Adrian

Originally I had been intending to come to the reunion (Sheena had talked me into it when she and Dave came for my 60th party after my daughter had tracked her down, a long story!!) and my daughter and I had planned to come for a long weekend, but since the beginning of June I have been dividing my time between here in Sussex and Ely as my mother is terminally ill. She has been on the verge of leaving us since the end of August, but is still just about with us, so as things stand, I can't see me getting to Lyme now. It would have been good to see everyone, though I certainly wouldn't have been able to join in much with the singing, too many cigarettes over the years for that….I have just been looking at the blog - did I really have such dark hair then!! Great to read about what people have been up to. I will see if I can put something together about my doings….I hope the reunion goes well and I look forward to reading about it on the blog. Caroline Lewcock

Interesting to see some (very) old familiar names and some not so familiar ones (probably several years younger than me)….I did attend a reunion once before, and found no-one of my era there. I found this a rather strange and uncomfortable experience which, to be honest, I'm not keen to repeat. However, I do wish everyone on your list and others yet to be found all the very best. Best regards, John Wall

Apologies for being unable to make the reunion today. Unfortunately it was not possible to get down today. Hope all went well and you managed to get a good crowd.
Best regards, John Evans

So sorry not to be with you this weekend. Hope it goes really well. However, we are wondering about being down in Lyme the last weekend of November (26-27). You around then???…Andy Parnham

Thanks for this – unfortunately we are away until the 16th and I cannot attend. Looking forward to the half century reunion though! Mike Groves

Cynthia Dare rang to say her parents’ health was poor and she was unable to get away.

I am very sorry but I am not going to be able to come to Lyme this week-end. I have snagged my back and I am finding that car travel does it no good at all. I am walking around almost normally, but I drove to Bournemouth yesterday and when I got out of the car I thought I was going to seize up. So it will be better for me if I don’t make the trip. It’s a big disappointment for me but I will hope to catch up with you and others on another occasion. Steve Evemy

I know for definite that I won’t be able to come in October, but it would be lovely to know how it all goes, so will look forward to that, and thanks for the blog….Best wishes, Joy Pitman

I am definitely intending to come and will email people. However, I do have M.E. which makes things very trying. If I'm not there it will only be because I'm not well enough...I'm not trying to sound vague, and I will be there if I possibly can be, rest assured. How many do you think are coming? [Later] … I doubt I shall make it though. Not too bright at the moment, but if I'm up to it I'll come. If not, I do hope it all goes well for you and you all have a wonderful time. Whatever, I'm so grateful for the email addresses and the chance to catch up with old friends, like Carol and Janie and Joy….All the best, Love Trudesx (Richards)

I shan't be able to attend but please send my good wishes to the Madrigal Group (as was). Also to Brian Manners whom I remember very fondly and to Mr Coates, my former English Lit teacher. All the very best and I look forward to hearing about the meeting and what everybody is up to. Andi Broom

Thanks for the music, although unfortunately I won't be able to sing it with you all on Saturday, as there's no way I can get away from Spain and work at this time of year.
I'm sure you'll all have a great time and I'll think of you happily together again in Lyme….Will you be posting photos of the event on the blog? I hope so, as I'd love to see them.Yours, Jenni Jones

I am very sorry, but really dont think I can make it to the reunion. I have recently had to take charge of my sister’s children (she died) and my mother ..... so very little time to spare for anything!…I hope its a good reunion - do give my regards to all me old mates….
take care, Philippa Roe

Thank you for your kind invitation. It is with regret that due to commitments I cannot join you. Hope you have a wonderful time…I’ll be thinking of you. Linda Mason

Monday, 10 October 2011

Steve Mason's photos selection 1

Cafe stop

Dave atop Belgrade castle gate


Lapad yacht sunset

Ljubelj border crossing

Steve Mason's photos selection 2

Mastrovic statue at Split

Memorial visit

Mozart House

Our spot at Lapad

Rector's Palace, Dubrovnik

Salzburg flower stalls

Salzburg skyline

Serbian guide

St Mark's Venice

Venice scene

Zadar waterfront

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Kind offer of accommodation

I can offer accommodation for 2, same room separate beds, in Hawkchurch. Julia