What a blast from the past, hearing from you and delving into my old photo albums after all these years! As Jenni said, I shan't be able to attend but please send my good wishes to the Madrigal Group (as was). Also to Brian Manners whom I remember very fondly and to Mr Coates, my former English Lit teacher. As Jenni mentioned, my brother Cliff Broom (aka Basil) was also in the Madrigal Group but not when we went to Yugoslavia. He's a pilot with Virgin Atlantic now (formerly an RAF pilot). My sister, Michele Broom was also in Madrigal much later than us and lives in Bath (she's retrained as a holistic therapist).
…After I left Lyme, I studied for a two-year bilingual secretarial diploma in London and Switzerland and then worked in an international management consultancy in Brussels, the United Nations in Geneva and the European Commission in Brussels until 1993, after which I recycled myself as a freelance translator (French and Spanish) and moved to Catalonia in Spain where I have been working as a freelance ever since. I married (an Englishman) in 1982 and we have one daughter now aged 23 and studying in Salamanca.
…All the very best and I look forward to hearing about the meeting and what everybody is up to. Andi Broom

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