She was, of course, excellent company all the way up the old Fosse Way (no M5 then). It was the closest I ever got to an elopement.
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Of how we spread our wings...
Thank you so much for 'revealing' the names of the contributors to the blog. It makes such a difference to read the posts and have an image (albeit a slightly outdated one) of the writers. I am so looking forward to meeting up with everyone, but have to confess it's going to be a challenge to my memory, mainly because it (my memory) is hopelessly defective and I have forgotten far too much. I put it down to having moved countries so many times. Just catching up with Sue Turner, Sarah Wyatt and Dave Read has awakened all sorts of dormant images and incidents that I would never have thought possible to forget - but I had. What is even more appealing is that almost every one of our number has had a really interesting life. I can't wait to talk to Trudy about her craft works, not to mention her musical career too. And Dave Read as well. I happen to know he has a thing for vintage tractors, a passion I rather inconsequentially share given the fact that I live on a barge and no longer have any connection to things of an agricultural nature. Sue Turner (now Hackett) has also done some amazing things and just ask her about her connection to Cyprus. As for Sarah, she fills me with hopeless nostalgia with her accounts of horse riding safaris in Africa. You, too, Drain. I have so enjoyed your mails, and many of the others have also given great accounts on the blog here.
Maybe it was something Brian Manners saw in us all - the potential not just for music but for spreading our wings like the Silver Swan. It would be nice to think so, wouldn't it? The old photos are absolutely wonderful, as are the memories, but my feeling is that this meeting is going to revive and cement some very good an interesting friendships. I can't wait!
Warmest of best wishes
Maybe it was something Brian Manners saw in us all - the potential not just for music but for spreading our wings like the Silver Swan. It would be nice to think so, wouldn't it? The old photos are absolutely wonderful, as are the memories, but my feeling is that this meeting is going to revive and cement some very good an interesting friendships. I can't wait!
Warmest of best wishes
John signs in
It would be good to join you on the 15th. I’m due to spend some time abroad around that time, but all being well I shall be able to come. I know I have a few photos somewhere so will see if I can look them out and scan them for the blog.
My daughter Rosie is now living in Exeter so double the reasons to come to East Devon.
Best wishes
John Denham
My daughter Rosie is now living in Exeter so double the reasons to come to East Devon.
Best wishes
John Denham
Trudy to David
Well, well, well to you too, Dave! Yes, I remember. As I recall you were more than a little embarrassed about the whole thing and steered extremely clear for the next however long! I really did get married when I'd been at Sheffield five minutes, so keen was I to get away from a) home and b) Sheffield! What a dumbo! - absolutely zilch to live up to....So what have you been up to? Trudy
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
It might have all been so different
Trudy Richards! Well, well ,well. There's a good story here. Brian was always an advocate of his own university, Sheffield. He managed to convince Trudy and myself that this was the place to be. Somewhere along the line, parents decreed that we could drive up together. The night before we left, a number of my so called 'friends' broke in to my father's garage and put a nice little 'Just Married' on the bumper of my little Austin A30 along with some suitable ribbons if I recall. This was fortuitous, the next morning, when I was doing the usual 55 through Yeovil. Only when we arrived at the big city did we understand why the police were asking us how yesterday went and that 'under the circumstances' they were going to let me off and the parting 'congratulations' from the kindly policeman. Mind you I'm quite glad I didn't marry Trudy, it looks as though I'd have had a lot to live up to! Looking forward to meeting up in October though.
Dave Read
Dave Read
Monday, 27 June 2011
short skirts...lovely legs
What an incredible surprise to get Drain's letter, and what an achievement to track us all down! I have often wondered what happened to us all after school, so reading all your news on the blog is a great joy. I do hope some of us get back in touch again. I'd love to hear from you and maybe meet up, other than just at the reunion, I mean. Will we recognise each other or are we all equally decrepit? I've been studying the photos on the blog. We're all so young, those skirts are so short...and the legs so lovely...oh dear!
A few quick catch-up notes. I did a Performers' LGSM and then, later, another music degree in Dartington 1986-89. Got married to Hubby 1 in 1970 (arrgggh!), then to Hubby 2 in 1978, which lasted 17 years, until he ran off with a ginger woman with 5 kids. Ha! I've been with Dave (NOT married, let's be sensible) for 15+ years. He's been around the block as many times as I have and now we're both into our dogs (2 Borzois) , cats (3) and large garden. We both enjoy playing folk music and Dave's CD is out soon, viz: I've been teaching piano and voice for years, after singing professionally for a while. I hated the travelling. Dave and I now rent out some flats in Exeter. I still paint (pictures, I mean) and spend a lot of time on spinning, dyeing and fibre crafts generally. The days are too short...
I'm really looking forward to seeing you all again. And singing together will be very special. I too still remember the alto line to Amaryllis...
Trudy Richards
A few quick catch-up notes. I did a Performers' LGSM and then, later, another music degree in Dartington 1986-89. Got married to Hubby 1 in 1970 (arrgggh!), then to Hubby 2 in 1978, which lasted 17 years, until he ran off with a ginger woman with 5 kids. Ha! I've been with Dave (NOT married, let's be sensible) for 15+ years. He's been around the block as many times as I have and now we're both into our dogs (2 Borzois) , cats (3) and large garden. We both enjoy playing folk music and Dave's CD is out soon, viz: I've been teaching piano and voice for years, after singing professionally for a while. I hated the travelling. Dave and I now rent out some flats in Exeter. I still paint (pictures, I mean) and spend a lot of time on spinning, dyeing and fibre crafts generally. The days are too short...
I'm really looking forward to seeing you all again. And singing together will be very special. I too still remember the alto line to Amaryllis...
Trudy Richards
Saturday, 25 June 2011
The latest news
I hear that Brian is feeling better and is now planning to come to the reunion. He is teaching again after some months of poor health: what good news.
I have written to Ernest but have not heard whether he can join us. Fingers crossed.
David Coates seems extremely fit and will no doubt jog to the reunion from Yawl!!
I believe I have got a message to everyone now from both Madrigal Groups about the reunion except Bobby Clark and Lorraine Coburn (Berlin) and Maggie Swaffield (Yugo). What a shame these three might miss out. Any ideas, ANYONE?
Gilly Warr has unearthed this photo of us on the Berlin tour.

I tried to focus in on the faces here:

xxx Adrian
Trudy's in touch
Gosh, what a surprise! It's a great idea and, DV, I'd love to come to the beano. It'll be a shock to us all, I imagine, seeing the wrinkles and grey hair. I wonder how many of us will be recognisable. Just had a look at the blog and it's amazing to see all the pictures and read what's happened to people. When I've got the time I'll write something for it. Meanwhile, I'll try and listen to those madrigals (my IT skills are somewhat hazy) and have a dose of nostalgia. Someone mentioned that Brian Manners wasn't well?
All the best, Trudy Richards
All the best, Trudy Richards
Thursday, 16 June 2011
21st century madrigal practice
Hi Drain
Brilliant, it [the audio file player] works!! Now all we need is someone to post some of the music up here and we can get practising! I've clearly lost the plot as have my own version of most of these madrigals picking out all the nice bits from each one which makes interesting listening trying to sing all 4 parts at once!! Maybe we need some virtual practice sessions over Skype?!!! (Now there's a challenge for someone)!!
Sue Turner
Brilliant, it [the audio file player] works!! Now all we need is someone to post some of the music up here and we can get practising! I've clearly lost the plot as have my own version of most of these madrigals picking out all the nice bits from each one which makes interesting listening trying to sing all 4 parts at once!! Maybe we need some virtual practice sessions over Skype?!!! (Now there's a challenge for someone)!!
Sue Turner
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Strains of music on the breeze
Dear Drain,
Many many thanks for posting the list of madrigals on Sue's CD. The names alone got me going. I was running down the list and as I saw each title, a snatch of something akin to a line wafted into my consciousness, much like strains of music on the breeze. I know, I know, that's a bit OTT, but it really was like that. Then I came to Adieu Sweet Amaryllis, and suddenly I was singing it. But not only that, I was singing the alto line, and realised I had no recollection of the top line at all. Isn't memory amazing? I could sing the entire alto part note for note (okay, maybe there were a few wobbles and fade outs along the way) but nothing else came to mind. Well, of course I had to satisfy myself that I wasn't completely gaga, and went looking on YouTube. There are several recordings of it, but I thought this group was about the same size as our madrigal group, and the performance is quite nice. Maybe you know of some others? Anyhow, I enjoyed wailing along with it.
Click here please
I am so enjoying the blog, drain, but sometimes I can't place the surname initial with the memory never has been good for names. Give me a face any day!
Looking forward to more.
Warmest regards to you both.
Val Poore
P.S. A number of people have expressed trouble identifying contributors from initials only. So I have taken the liberty of adding surnames and to hell with data protection! Hope everyone's happy. No superinjunctions, please. Adrian
Many many thanks for posting the list of madrigals on Sue's CD. The names alone got me going. I was running down the list and as I saw each title, a snatch of something akin to a line wafted into my consciousness, much like strains of music on the breeze. I know, I know, that's a bit OTT, but it really was like that. Then I came to Adieu Sweet Amaryllis, and suddenly I was singing it. But not only that, I was singing the alto line, and realised I had no recollection of the top line at all. Isn't memory amazing? I could sing the entire alto part note for note (okay, maybe there were a few wobbles and fade outs along the way) but nothing else came to mind. Well, of course I had to satisfy myself that I wasn't completely gaga, and went looking on YouTube. There are several recordings of it, but I thought this group was about the same size as our madrigal group, and the performance is quite nice. Maybe you know of some others? Anyhow, I enjoyed wailing along with it.
Click here please
I am so enjoying the blog, drain, but sometimes I can't place the surname initial with the memory never has been good for names. Give me a face any day!
Looking forward to more.
Warmest regards to you both.
Val Poore
P.S. A number of people have expressed trouble identifying contributors from initials only. So I have taken the liberty of adding surnames and to hell with data protection! Hope everyone's happy. No superinjunctions, please. Adrian
Saturday, 11 June 2011
Now we're really getting nostalgic!
Sue Turner has been busy compiling an album of madrigals and songs from our repertoire. I have attempted posting the results on the link below but can't promise it will work for you. Thank you, Sue.
Sue stresses these recordings are NOT of the Woodroffe Madrigal Group!
Sue stresses these recordings are NOT of the Woodroffe Madrigal Group!
News from Joy Pitman
I attended Whitelands Teacher Training College in London, after which I moved to Germany, where I lived on and off for approx. 25 years. I then returned to England 10 years, and have now been living in Italy for 6 years. I have always taught and translated, but also had other jobs as PA and office manger in various companies. Divorced from my first husband, I have one daughter, remarried in 2001 and now also have 5 stepchildren, all now adults, and together we have 6 grandchildren. I somehow always managed to continue singing until quite recently. Haven't found time in Italy to looking for a choir. Life has been quite an adventure one way or the other with a lot of ups and downs, but I have always managed to retain a tendency towards the optimistic. Can't believe that I am so old now and still kicking. Joy Pitman
Monday, 6 June 2011
Sue's changed her flight
I'm in the throes of putting together a playlist of all our old madrigals (downloaded from iTunes) and wondered if you can remember any that we sang? I've got The Silver Swan, Fair Phyllis, As Torrents but have come to a halt! Any ideas?…..
I've been going round the house singing As Torrents at the top of my voice and trying to remember all the 2nd soprano/alto parts!!! As I haven't been doing any singing for a long time either it's quite painful and my little Westie thinks I've finally cracked and is giving me very strange looks!
Not sure about 15 Oct yet as it's going to cost me a fortune to change my flights around but would love to be there!………….
(24 hours later)I've burnt you a CD with the following on and put it in the post:
The Silver Swan
As Torrents
Fair Phyllis
Adieu, Sweet Amaryllis
My Bonny Lass
Steal Away
I Love My Love
Down By The Sally Gardens
The Water is Wide
Feel free to make as many copies as you like from it!!!
I've also rearranged my flight so that I come back in time for the reunion on 15th!! Hope the others can make it too!!
.......Just to let you know that I've been looking for accommodation in Lyme for the night of 15th Oct and it's pretty near all booked up!! However the good news is that there are rooms at The Talbot Arms for £70 per night still available (I've booked one) if anyone else is looking. No special deals or commission on my part! It's going to be pretty spooky staying where I lived all those years ago!! I don't know if you want to put this on your blog to save others from looking around and getting frustrated. Also it gives us another venue for when we have outstayed our welcome at the school!!!!
Sue Turner
I'm in the throes of putting together a playlist of all our old madrigals (downloaded from iTunes) and wondered if you can remember any that we sang? I've got The Silver Swan, Fair Phyllis, As Torrents but have come to a halt! Any ideas?…..
I've been going round the house singing As Torrents at the top of my voice and trying to remember all the 2nd soprano/alto parts!!! As I haven't been doing any singing for a long time either it's quite painful and my little Westie thinks I've finally cracked and is giving me very strange looks!
Not sure about 15 Oct yet as it's going to cost me a fortune to change my flights around but would love to be there!………….
(24 hours later)I've burnt you a CD with the following on and put it in the post:
The Silver Swan
As Torrents
Fair Phyllis
Adieu, Sweet Amaryllis
My Bonny Lass
Steal Away
I Love My Love
Down By The Sally Gardens
The Water is Wide
Feel free to make as many copies as you like from it!!!
I've also rearranged my flight so that I come back in time for the reunion on 15th!! Hope the others can make it too!!
.......Just to let you know that I've been looking for accommodation in Lyme for the night of 15th Oct and it's pretty near all booked up!! However the good news is that there are rooms at The Talbot Arms for £70 per night still available (I've booked one) if anyone else is looking. No special deals or commission on my part! It's going to be pretty spooky staying where I lived all those years ago!! I don't know if you want to put this on your blog to save others from looking around and getting frustrated. Also it gives us another venue for when we have outstayed our welcome at the school!!!!
Sue Turner
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